of values
of values
For the environment and for our future generations,
people and values.
For the environment
and for our future generations,
people and values.
A small gift to an infinitely generous soil:
gratitude. Only if we acknowledge how
invaluable Earth is, we can begin to
preserve and respect her.
What we take today for granted,
tomorrow may be no more.
Acknowledging Nature’s beauty,
value and richness is the first step
towards conquering a far, far horizon.
Short supply chain
Since decades we produce and offer easily
traceable products sourced by a short
supply chain. We believe our products
need to become ambassadors of best
agricultural practices and promote
healthy eating habits which can improve
life quality and reduce
environmental impact.
Humanity and dignity
We safeguard Nature and the value
of humanity and dignity. We give
each one of our employees the
opportunity to best use their
talent and to fulfill his role safely and
with dignity. We are all part of the
same family, and we give our best
effort to try and experience each
day spent in our facilities as a community.
Bio means taking care of Earth,
but also taking care of all living beings
which inhabit her. We research and
innovate ethically. Let us discover
unexplored frontiers and get to the
essence of organic and biodynamic
farming, all while safeguarding
biodiversity and humanity.
Love for the Earth
We have green farmer souls which love
soil and nature. We are carekeepers,
not predators. We protect and safeguard
nature, we preserve soil and water for future
generation by using methods which
appropriately ensure the full lifecycle of our
product is sustainable.
Sustainable development
We apply all our knowledge for a use
of natural resources in a sustainable
way and with a view to the circular
economy. We are convinced that there
can always be another way to cultivate
in the only a way that guarantees a
sustainable supply chain from the field
to the table, from an economic, social
and environmental point of view.

A small gift to an infinitely generous soil: gratitude.
Only if we acknowledge how invaluable Earth is, we can begin to preserve
and respect her. What we take today for granted, tomorrow may be no more.
Acknowledging Nature’s beauty, value and richness is the first step
towards conquering a far, far horizon.
Short supply chain
Since decades we produce and offer easily traceable products
sourced by a short supply chain. We believe our products
need to become ambassadors of best agricultural practices and promote
healthy eating habits which can improve life quality and reduce environmental impact.
Humanity and dignity
We safeguard Nature and the value of humanity and dignity.
We give each one of our employees the opportunity to best use their
talent and to fulfill his role safely and with dignity.
We are all part of the same family, and we give our best effort
to try and experience each day spent in our facilities as a community.
Bio means taking care of Earth, but also taking care of all living beings which
inhabit her. We research and innovate ethically. Let us discover
unexplored frontiers and get to the essence of organic and biodynamic farming,
all while safeguarding biodiversity and humanity.
Love for the Earth
We have green farmer souls which love soil and nature.
We are carekeepers, not predators. We protect and safeguard nature, we preserve
soil and water for future generation by using methods which appropriately
ensure the full lifecycle of our product is sustainable.
Sustainable development
We apply all our knowledge for a use of natural resources in a
sustainable way and with a view to the circular economy. We are convinced
that there can always be another way to cultivate in the only a way
that guarantees a sustainable supply chain from the field to the table,
from an economic, social and environmental point of view.